Vision, Mission, Values, & Beliefs


Our Vision

Emmanuel Baptist, a church for the Community!


Our Mission

United we Worship God the Father, Grow as Disciples of Jesus, and Serve in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

You are invited to come on a journey with us.
First stop, Worship. At Emmanuel, Worship is where we want you to connect with God through singing songs, reading scripture, and hearing the Biblically focused messages proclaimed each week. 
The second stop, Growing: Once you Worship, the best next step is to fellowship and Grow with the Body of Christ, The Church.  There are multiple small group opportunities for the whole family to connect. In these small groups  you will grow as a Disciple of Jesus Christ through fellowship, Bible study and prayer.
The Final Destination, Serving: We serve to share the Good News of Jesus, and we are convinced that Disciples serve in the power of the Holy Spirit. There are multiple areas to serve in the body life Emmanuel, like Youth and Children’s ministry, Worship Team, Wednesday Night activities, and helping around the church building for example. Serving also takes us across the street and around the world. These are opportunities to engage with the homes and community around the church as well as across the world. 

We Value

  1. Living the Word by standing on the truth of the Bible, applying its truth changes lives. James 1:22
  2. Living in Prayer by lifting every joy, sorrow, challenge, or concern to the Father at all times. Ephesians 6:18
  3. Living in community by welcoming everyone because no one is perfect, and everything is possible. 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
  4. Living challenge by experiencing the benefit of positive people pushing each other to be their best. Hebrews 10:24
  5. Living with Grace by loving and extending grace to others because Jesus loved and extended grace to us. Ephesians 2:8-10.
  6. Living with Purpose by doing stuff that matters in our lives, in Ocean Springs, and around the world. Acts 1:8

Our Beliefs

Our biblical align with the beliefs stated in The Baptist Faith and Message, a confession of faith held by Southern Baptists. Each statement of the Baptist Faith and Message is listed in the link below, followed by Scripture references you can use to help you understand each of these foundational beliefs. Our pastors are available to answer any questions you might have about these statements.
There is one living and true God, infinite in holiness truth and love. He is all powerful, all knowing, and is not limited in any way. He reveals Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as equal, distinct, and eternal members of the trinity.   God the Father is the holy and loving Creator of the universe. He is infinite in wisdom, love, knowledge, and power. He sovereignly rules over the world and cares over His creation. He is our Redeemer, worthy of all honor and praise.  
Jesus Christ
Jesus is the eternal Son of God and Son of Man, fully God and fully human. He perfectly revealed the will of the Father and identified Himself with mankind. He lived a perfect, sinless life and paid the penalty of sin as a substitute for mankind. He was raised from the dead with a glorified body and appeared to many before ascending into heaven. He sits at the right hand of God before returning in power and glory to judge the world. He dwells in all those who place their trust in Him.  
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is a divine, distinct person. He has emotions, a will, and Christians can have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. He intercedes for us, gives us hope and comfort, convicts us of sin, works to advance the Gospel in the world and in the heart of believers, and fills us.  
God created man in His own image; therefore every person of every race possesses full dignity and is worthy of respect and Christian love. He created mankind both male and female and placed them in a garden to enjoy perfect fellowship with the Creator. Mankind, in the freedom given by the Creator, rebelled against God and was subjected to divine wrath. Under this divine wrath, man was totally depraved and utterly incapable of returning to God apart from an act of grace. Without a special work of grace, mankind is enemies with God, and the fall has invaded every aspect of his being. God sent His son Jesus to die for all of mankind.  
Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.  
God has chosen to reveal Himself in Creation, through His Son, Jesus Christ, and through His Word. Men divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit wrote the Holy Bible. It has God as its author, salvation for its end, and is truth, without any mixture of error in all it teaches. The sixty six books of the Old Testament and New Testament constitute the pages of Scripture, which have been preserved for us. The words are authoritative, sufficient for all that God requires us to believe and do, and is the story of God’s sovereign plan of redemption. God has given us the precious gift of His Word, which is to be cherished, studied, obeyed, and trusted.  
The Church is both universal and local. The church universal is made up of individuals of all tribes, tongues, and nations who are genuine followers of Jesus Christ. The church local is the autonomous congregation of believers who meet together to observe the ordinances, worship God, exercise gifts, fellowship together, pray, study God’s Word, and make disciples.  Each member is responsible and accountable to Christ as Lord. Scripture outlines the offices of pastor and deacon to serve as the church leadership.  
Baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is an act of obedience to symbolize the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Baptism is a prerequisite for church membership. The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic act of obedience where members of the church memorialize the death of Jesus and anxiously anticipate His second coming.  
The End
In God’s perfect timing, Jesus Himself will return suddenly and the dead will rise. The second coming of Jesus will usher in a time of judgment on the earth where all mankind will give an account. The unrighteous will be sent to a place of eternal punishment, and the righteous will receive glorified bodies as their reward and will dwell in the house of God forever in a new heaven and a new earth.