October 2015

True Worship

“But an hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.”  (John 4:23, HCSB)  
Jesus said these words to the Samaritan woman at the well, but it’s just as important for us to know today.  This woman’s questions to Jesus about where and how to worship revealed something really important – she didn’t know how to worship God, or, even more important, why she was worshipping God.  Granted, she had her problems, as Jesus revealed, but, very likely, at the heart of the matter, she was living the way she was because she wasn’t worshipping God the way she needed to. 
So too with us.  I wonder how many of the things we endure in life are because we don’t really understand who God is, and what worshipping Him really means?    
Beginning Sunday, we’re going to be taking a look at worship:   why we worship, how we worship, and Whom we worship.  My prayer is that we will begin to see that worship of the Living God is about so much more than the hour we spend together on Sunday morning – as important as that is.  It’s about more than music, more than hands raised in praise, or more than just hearing His Word and being stirred by it.  Worshipping God is about all of that – but, first and foremost, it’s about living a life the other six days that matches the devotion and faithfulness we show on the seventh.  
Worship is about every day.  It’s about being in such total surrender to God that we are able, through our closeness to Him, worship Him in spirit and in truth.  Really, it’s about what God is doing in our lives – realizing it, accepting it, and letting it guide and motivate us on a daily basis.  So, we see that our worship of God is about what He has done, and is doing, in us, and not so much what we do.  In the end, it gets back to God, and His work in our lives.  We are merely a reflection – and our worship gives back to Him some part of Himself that He has invested in us.   
I hope you’ll join us on Sunday morning – after Bible Study, of course!  Another important way we worship God is through our study – making the learning of Him a priority in our lives that hauls us out of bed in time to be here by 9:45.  You can do it!  I’ll see you here! 
In His Love,
Bro. Heath
