September 2015

Have the Right Strategy!

“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”              (Philippians 4:6-7, HCSB
Last night, Elgen and I – and about thirty of our church family – went to see the movie, War Room.  All I can say is – WOW!  The movie was, in the words of one dear friend who saw it, “What entertainment and truth spoken here!  Too much to absorb in one viewing!”  I can’t add anything to that review!  This was, easily, the most powerful movie I have ever seen.  The story is about Elizabeth Jordan (Priscilla Shirer) a woman struggling to save her marriage, and her family, who finds comfort, friendship and Godly instruction in an elderly lady named Clara (Karen Abercrombie) who challenges Elizabeth to create her own War Room – a place where she meets regularly with God to pray intentionally for her husband, daughter, family and marriage.  And, when she does this and, in a powerful moment of surrender, gives everything to God and kicks Satan out of her house, mountains begin to move. One of the main points of the movie is that we don’t access the real power of our prayer life.  We need to hand everything – and He means everything – over to God, and just watch how He handles it.  We need to move beyond just praying randomly and sporadically –  kind of like a shotgun blast – and pray intentionally, strategically, and specifically – like a rifle shot.  And, when we develop a strategy to our prayer life, Ms. Clara says – and I believe – God will do the heavy lifting in our lives.  We can’t keep trying to fight spiritual battles with earthly strength.  We’ve got to open up, step back and let God do what He wants to do – fight for us. 

If you haven’t seen the movie, please do.  The Kendrick brothers have come a long way in the quality of their product – all of them were good, but this one is – hands down – the best!   

And, if you haven’t given everything to God – by confessing your need for Him, seeking forgiveness and asking Him to take control of your life and direct your prayers, please do that, too.  You will open up a channel to blessing and power that you never imagined! 

In His Love,
Bro. Heath
