We serve our neighbors across the street and
around the world in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Are you looking for a team to join?
We provide lunch for college students, share food for those in need, and offer activities for senior adults and children. We are always looking for ways to serve our community and help others.
We partner with missionaries across the state and around the world to assist in serving and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you are interested in any of these ministries, contact the church office or watch the church bulletin for details.
BSU Lunch Team
We partner with the Baptist Student Union ministry of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College by providing a meal on the first Wednesday of each month during the fall and spring semesters.
Food Pantry
Every second Tuesday of the month from 9-11:00 am we
distribute food to our neighbors who are in need.
Volunteers prepare bags of food on the Monday prior.
If you would like to help with this ministry or have need of assistance,
please call our church office.

Prayer Warriors
Prayer moves the hand of God. Our Church is a body of believers dependent upon prayer, and committed to God’s sovereignty. Each Wednesday, the church comes together for a special time of prayer and Bible study. May we pray for you? To activate our Prayer Chain, please call the church office at (228) 875-5391, or email your request to emmanuelbc@bellsouth.net